Email to the FDA Compounding Pharmacy Alias

I’ve read one of the threatening letters you’ve sent to compounding pharmacies about Ivermectin. Unfortunately, they are full of mistakes. Ivermectin is far safer than mutagenic Molnupiravir, for example.
If you wonder why the US has a worse Covid death rate than almost every other country, it’s because of bureaucratic incompetence combined with regulatory capture. Your letters are a perfect example of that.
I realize you might just be copying and pasting text, and you’ve probably not read any of the 70+ scientific studies showing Ivermectin safety and efficacy, nor talked to any doctors who have clinical experience with it, nor talked to any of the patients who have taken it.
I wrote a post (in April 2021!) that explains in just a few pages how you are thoroughly misinformed about the safety and efficacy of Ivermectin regarding Covid:
Please read it, and the links, and then please apologize to the pharmacies, and the world, for trying to squelch the most effective and safest drug for Covid-19. In fact, if you had been doing the smart thing and encouraging the use of Ivermectin, the pandemic would be over by now.
Instead it’s the worst it’s ever been.
I am writing to let you know that your current strategy is completely wrong. I’m just a computer scientist, but I can see many obvious flaws.
I know it can be very difficult for a large bureaucracy to navigate through an active health crisis without multi-drug clinical trials. For some reason, the NIH has none planned either. It’s just going to be heart attacks and cancer and neurological issues as far as the eyes can see.
Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of FDA mistakes like yours The US is losing about 100,000 souls per month, and many hospital systems are nearing collapse. Also, there are tens of millions with serious post-Covid health issues because of a lack of early outpatient treatment.
Furthermore, the dangerous full-spike jabs have killed around 150,000, and injured millions more.
The decision to jab using a toxic protein in the middle of a pandemic will go down as the worse public health decision in history. I realize your job is just to bully pharmacies trying to save lives, but you should be aware of some context.
If your goal is to depopulate and cripple the United States, keep doing what you are doing.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Merry Christmas!
Installing Drupal on Linode Using The Stackscript Marketplace
Dear Linode,
I tried installing Drupal using the Linode Marketplace. I got it working quickly, and it definitely saves typing, time, and expertise, compared to having to set it up manually.

I was happy to see it was built on Debian 10, which is the rock that Ubuntu builds on. Having used the installation for several days, I have a few suggestions:
- Drupal needs a mail server. Can you offer to setup one up, perhaps leveraging code from other scripts?
- The Create process was easy, but slightly more complicated than necessary because I had to go read the documentation. If you can please explain in the user interface that the database user account will be called “drupal” and the database will be called “drupaldb”, since these are necessary for the Drupal web installation. It shouldn’t be required to read any docs when you’ve built such a nice UI, and that was the only information missing. Note, if you call them both “drupal”, I would have guessed correctly 😉
I’m happy it’s running the latest version of Drupal, but I’m not sure what the process would be to update it to new versions, and the documentation doesn’t say. Perhaps I would just do a backup and restore to another Linode script, however that seems a overkill for a bug fix. Can you put some information about this in the documentation since Drupal isn’t in the Debian archive?
Also, have you heard of PHP Composer? It provides a mechanism to keep up to date with new versions for Drupal as well as the plugins. If you set Drupal up via the Composer, you will give them a better system regarding future installation of updates, as well as avoiding needing to setup an FTP server.
I would also consider making your Marketplace use Ansible, which allows the users to install additional apps on one machine, support multiple distros, handle upgrades over time, and has other cool features. I think it would take one Ansible person about 6 months to get your marketplace scripts ported over. I don’t even know Ansible, but I could get a WordPress script ported in a week or so 😉
I’m a fan of Linode for many reasons, but one of them is that you make it so easy to run Arch Linux, by saving me the only hard part — the installation process. Anyone who says Arch isn’t good for servers probably hasn’t tried in the last 5 years. I hope any of this is food for thought.
Ivermectin for Covid-19

To My Friends in Detroit and elsewhere:
Vaccinations can provide protection, but the dirty little secret is that you might still get sick with Covid-19, especially because of the new variants. Whether you’ve been jabbed or not, you need to be aware about early treatment!
It’s been known since April of 2020 that Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment for Covid-19. If you can find a doctor who knows anything about it, you should talk to one for better advice, but good luck in Detroit. My primary care doctor at Henry Ford was certain Ivermectin didn’t work against Covid-19, even though he had never prescribed it, talked to any doctor who had, or read any papers about it!

It’s considered one of the WHO’s essential medicines. 3.7 billion doses have been given to humans, plus countless animals as treatment for parasites, with basically no side effects. One study explained:
Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training.
Ivermectin, ‘Wonder drug’ from Japan: the human use perspective
The day I wrote this, there have been 49 studies showing the effectiveness of Ivermectin against Covid-19. Across the world, 79 countries endorse the use of Ivermectin.
Currently, the official policy of the US FDA, and Henry Ford Health Systems, is to recommend no treatment until your lips turn blue, and then you should go to the hospital and get the $3,000 Remdesivir, which has worse side effects, and is much less effective.
There are insufficient data for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.
NIH Guidelines regarding Ivermectin for Covid-19, written February, 2021, still operative as of May, 2021.
There have been many scientific studies of Ivermectin for Covid-19 throughout the world, but the FDA make excuses about how the sample sizes were small, etc. It’s easy to sit in an ivory tower and demand a 2,000 person randomized trial. Smaller sizes are not ideal, but it doesn’t make the science invalid, especially when you see numerous studies from different countries showing consistent results!
It’s easy to criticize lower-budget research, but why didn’t the NIH conduct their own starting last April, when it first became known? Why, in spite of a year of mounting evidence, does the NIH do nothing regarding Ivermectin except downplay one of the best, safest, and cheapest treatments?
Everyone says to follow the science, except regarding this drug:
The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 53 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 167 trillion.
The FDA and NIH still recommend nothing for outpatient treatment or prevention except an experimental biological agent, vaccine mandates, 3 masks, a face shield, and anal swabs.
If you want to understand how the NIH came to the conclusion that Ivermectin wasn’t very effective, look at the studies (with red numbers above) that they chose to shape their (non) recommendation — and all the positive studies they ignored.

In many countries, Ivermectin is available without a prescription. Meanwhile, you can get Ivermectin at farm supply stores. For now. If you ignore the dire and false warnings. And find a place that has it in stock. I also recommend searching on DuckDuckGo for the smaller online retailers. Each notch is about 4mg of Ivermectin.

Dr. Pierre Kory talks about humans using the animal forms of Ivermectin in this clip. He cannot officially endorse it without a risk of losing his license, but he does give a subtle nod of approval by saying “Ivermectin is Ivermectin.” (Rage against the machine!)
The FDA lies and says:
For one thing, animal drugs are often highly concentrated because they are used for large animals like horses and cows, which can weigh a lot more than we do—a ton or more. Such high doses can be highly toxic in humans.
The problem with their statement is a human might need 16 mg which is 4 notches, whereas 1250 pound horse might need 100 mg and 25 notches. Anyone who can count the difference between 4 and 25 will not overdose on the animal form of Ivermectin.

You can find a tele-health doctor online at sites like: or Note that many large chain drugstores like CVS will refuse to fill prescriptions of Ivermectin for Covid so you may want to try a local pharmacy. It’s almost as if the FDA wants to force people to buy the horse paste.
The standard dose is 0.2 mg per kg of body weight. The side-effects are generally not noticeable in healthy people. To make it easy, you can also divide your weight in pounds by 11 to determine the number of milligrams. However, in case of the Delta and other more infectious variants, doctors have been forced to use 2-3 times more. Please pass the message around that the standard is not good enough! Of course, Vitamin D is very important also. Take your vitamins!
If your doctor or pharmacist questions your interest in Ivermectin, you could ask whether they are aware that Ivermectin has a binding affinity to RdRp (RNA-dependent RNA polymerase), to prevent viral replication.

If they are still being difficult, you can ask whether they are aware that Ivermectin disrupts the protease 3CLpro. That enzyme breaks the single RNA strand into multiple proteins like a cookie cutter. Without this step, the next virus can’t form properly. Ivermectin also binds to the spike proteins, prevents viral proteins getting into the nucleus, and prevents the immune system over-reaction. It has about 15 different weapons to attack Covid-19, far more than any other drug for Covid.
Without treatment, the amount of virus in your body doubles every 9 hours. Treating early is always better, but there is evidence Ivermectin works in all phases of the disease, including for post-Covid, but any product reviews discussing it on your typical evil e-commerce site get taken down. I remember reading about how it helped a family of “horses” who had all caught Covid-19 since they had gotten together for an anniversary and stayed in the same small “barn” for the weekend. Eventually, that one was also removed.
You can take Ivermectin as treatment for Covid-19, but you can also take it twice per week as prevention, as explained in the FLCCC protocol.
I created a YouTube playlist with 5 hours of information about Ivermectin by distinguished doctors. Update: the first video was posted on YouTube in December, but was taken down in July, 2021. When you are done watching it, you can consider the likelihood that the censors at YouTube have better medical credentials.
I dug up a Vimeo link, but that got taken down also so I’m now using We are heading towards the dystopia Brazil.
For the rest of the playlist, go here.
In countries like India, Ivermectin is available without a prescription. In the state of Uttar Pradesh, they mailed it out to their citizens! The WHO buys Ivermectin for two cents per pill. Meanwhile, the media can’t figure out why the cases are mysteriously plummeting. One of the theories is that steep fines for not wearing masks made a big difference.
Ivermectin was also widely used in some (blue) cities of Peru, with great results as soon as it was implemented:

If the FDA wasn’t so incompetent, we could have ended this pandemic last April. Testing without treatment for an infectious disease is madness — but who complains? Anyone with this disease should be given medicine for themselves and their entire household. That’s why making Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and other safe and effective treatments available without a prescription is the best and quickest and perhaps only way to end the pandemic.
Covid-19 for some is a head cold, for others can be debilitating. There are already vaccine-evading variants in Michigan, and some say we are going to have full escape in the near future. That’s government and Big Pharma for you, mobilizing everyone to fighting the last war, against the initial Covid-19 strain. In evolutionary biology terms, in a if you do a serial passage vaccination experiment in humans with non-sterilizing antibodies, the virus is going to mutate around it.
That’s why it can be worth having Ivermectin and other treatments at home ready even if you have received a Covid-19 injection. Antibodies are helpful, but preventing the virus from replicating makes their job much easier, decreases the chance of an immune system over-reaction, and it works against all variants.

Ivermectin was first discovered because someone bothered to analyze the by-products produced by random bacteria in the soil, against lab rodents infected with worm parasites. William Campbell, who was one of the first people to isolate it, thinks the bacteria evolved to kill parasites. It’s not a toxic chemical, it’s a simple chemical that exploits a design weakness in many worm species. Studies have explained:
Ivermectin binds to glutamate-activated chloride channels existing in nerve or muscle cells of nematode with a specific and high affinity, causing hyperpolarization of nerve or muscle cells by increasing permeability of chloride ion through the cell membrane, and as a result, the parasites are paralyzed to death.
Streptomyces Avermitilis for President 2024!
Just imagine if that humble bacteria’s output could also be used to crush Covid-19. One day, some one will be able to explain why one chemical can be so safe and effective against both worms and RNA viruses.
Update: FLCCC just released the first version of their Long-Haul Covid-19 treatment guidelines. The post-Covid-19 portion of their protocols starts on page 32.
If you are unsure about the whether to get the mRNA experimental gene therapy, aka “the Covid vaccines”, read this whitepaper. Looking at the safety, efficacy, and cost, it’s pretty clear what medicine that governments should be pushing to be more widely used. Injections of mRNA for Covid-19 is like 10 million Tuskegee experiments.
I also recommend investigating Chlorine Dioxide, which treats (via selective oxidation) Covid-19, and many other diseases. The government says it’s poison, even though it’s used in mouthwash and water treatment. It’s only poison far outside clinical doses, like eating two cups of salt. You don’t have to be a doctor to understand the concept of oxidizing the f*cking virus, and other diseases, and if you did, you’d be better informed than those at the FDA, who have the problem of bureaucratic incompetence combined with regulatory capture.
Update: If you made it all the way to the end, thank you! Please read the latest protocol from the FLCCC for advice on new drugs, daily supplements, and especially about regular gargling with a mouthwash and nasal sanitation. Kill the virus in your nose and mouth!
There are numerous other good non-drug treatments such as Quercerin, Zinc, Spirulina, Elderberry, Turmeric, Black Cumin Seed, Pepcid, Aspirin, Nittokinase, Reseveratrol, NAC, etc. Ivermectin (with Zinc) is the most potent medicine, but against Delta, you want to throw everything you can think of at it. Sometimes steroids are needed. Contact me if you want any advice. There are many studies for the above drugs here:
Twitter Suspension Appeal

Dear Twitter,
I don’t believe my Tweet condones or celebrates violence, or breaks any of your rules.
I was making the point that a hyperbolic post on Parler discussing hanging people for treason isn’t actually “violence” in the sense that you mean it because it must be ordered by a court of law and usually decided by juries. For those that were enemies of the United States, that was the official punishment.

There were surely many Americans very sad and angry at losing their beloved President Lincoln. Immediately prosecuting everyone involved and giving the most serious penalties provides closure and can help lessen tensions among the citizens. When the government is prosecuting people who commit capital crimes, they don’t need to take it out on each other.
It’s definitely not violence that can be imitated because the crime of treason must be decided via a court. I was also not glorifying the people who killed Lincoln. I believe it was a tragedy, I was just explaining history and including an old historically accurate picture. If you are erasing history, you should be worried.
Just as a comparison, the severed head of Trump that you can easily find on Twitter is very different because that would have been done by a mob. No judge in the US has ever ordered a decapitation.
I understand there is a slippery slope, but I believe you should also take down all the the Antifa accounts, which organize violent riots on social media, and the severed heads of Trump, and the many posts saying Republicans are Nazis who need to be sent to re-education camps, and so much more, before you get to my historically accurate tweet.
There is so much shame and encouraging of violence towards Republicans in the world. It seems that calling Republicans racist, Nazis or fascists is perfectly allowed on Twitter. I hope you can see how calling about a majority of the country fascists would encourage violence. The censorship is extremely selective.
More recently, when people say that objecting to the election certification is insurrection is another a way to encourage violence. It takes the legal process of certifying votes and turns it into a crime against the United States!
That’s so backwards it’s Orwellian. That insane idea is of course allowed on Twitter, since it’s been said some in Congress, and echoed by the media. I hope you can see how calling people in Congress or in the state legislatures insurrectionists for doing their job to ensure only legal votes are counted surely encourages violence.
Doing censorship is a very difficult challenge. I don’t envy your task. Thanks for reading my reply!
Given that you’ve already hidden my Tweet, it seems overkill that you would also block me from accessing Twitter while I wait for you to review my appeal. You are punishing even the innocent.
I have filed this appeal with Twitter, and we’ll see what happens. Their appeal box only holds 160 characters, so I sent them a link to this post. Imagine being on trial in a courtroom and being told you can old say 25 words in your defense.
Twitter Response:
Our support team has reviewed your account and it appears we made an error. We’ve determined there was no violation and have restored your account to full functionality.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate you taking the time to submit your appeal request to us.
Open Letter to Linode about Hosting Parler
This originally used to be hosted on Medium, but they took it down. I think it proves the point of the post!

I sent them an email explaining that I would like to tweak it to make it conform to their rules, and whether they have any suggestions. I would love for someone to go through this and find specific problems. I’d be happy to improve any aspect, given precise feedback. It’s much easier to burn a book than explain why.
After about 48 hours, they sent me another email saying:
After careful review of the details of the appeal, and the relevant account or post history, Medium’s Trust & Safety team has concluded that it remains in violation of site policies and will not be restored. The decision at this time is final.
Dear Linode,
I think it’s a mistake you wouldn’t host Parler. Given you believe so much in free software, you should also support free expression of ideas. If an election was stolen, and the media told you that “crazy idea” was just a debunked conspiracy theory, did it really happen? We need free speech to protect Democracy! They took away Tour De France medals years later after fraud is proven. Foreign interference and a stolen election can be overturned if proven.

If you create an account on Parler, and follow some of popular names like General Flynn or Sidney Powell, you will find it is nothing like what we’ve been told. Parler is predominantly a bunch of patriotic people who are tired of the censorship on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. To be clear, Parler does moderate their content. Calls to violence, child porn, etc. are not allowed and they remove it, but they can’t catch it all.
Compared to Parler, the depths of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 4Chan, etc. are a cesspool! Antifa openly organizes criminal activity on those platforms, doing billions of dollars in damage in the last year. The calls for shame and violence towards Republicans is endless on Big Tech, and the mainstream media. It takes two seconds to find a severed head of Trump on Twitter.
Antifa and BLM Protests were encouraged or normalized by the media, even as they dragged on for months. No Democrat was pressured to denounce the violence, and in fact many explicitly encouraged it:

The Capitol was invaded during the Kavanaugh hearings for days, but that also didn’t make the news, or was spun as positive event for Democracy. Meanwhile, I wonder how much of the dark web runs on AWS. AWS happily runs Twitter’s business, and I presume you would love that as well. Things far worse than Parler run on AWS! If you notice the shame is extremely selective towards one political party, that is a scary warning.
None of the news media covered the citizens who saw election crimes, so many people have no idea of the breadth and scope of the fraud. The MI state hearings were mind-blowing. In Detroit, the city told employees to ignore matching signature and identification requirements, back-date ballots and absentee applications, etc. It wasn’t just boxes of stuffed ballots, it was the government itself systemically breaking the law.
There’s a ton of unrebutted analysis that the election was stolen from Republicans, and there’s a mountain of evidence. The fact that they stopped counting before midnight in several key swing Democrat cities alone is proof they were cheating. They had hired staff for 24/7 work. Why they all did it remains unanswered, months later. When you see 150K ballots, 93% for Biden showing up in the middle of the night in the time-series data, after they had officially stopped counting, it starts to make sense.

If you watch the Georgia arena video, you can see how they were illegally counting ballots with no observers present. Sometimes, they ran the ballots through the machine multiple times. That one video alone is enough to overturn Georgia.
Furthermore, states illegally deleted the ballot images and other metadata. If they didn’t commit any crimes, why are they covering up information they are supposed to keep around for 2 years after all federal elections?

Unfortunately, the courts didn’t take it up. I have heard that many judges and their families have been threatened. Next, the State Legislatures didn’t fix it in time. Then, Pence didn’t send it back to the states — even though 5 had written letters asking for more time!
If the media didn’t cover the fraud, and the courts just dismissed the cases, and the state legislatures and Congress didn’t repair it, did it really happen?

Of course, the Dominion voting machines, which apparently sent votes out of the country is another aspect of election fraud.

Trump’s speech at the protest was not an incitement to violence. I recommend watching it since it will probably be his last, and he discusses the election fraud, and how he can prove he won states like Georgia many different ways.
Importantly, the Washington DC protest was infiltrated with busloads of Antifa / BLM, apparently given police escort. Antifa provokes violence and chaos, and then the media blame patriots and Trump. There were many “Stop The Steal” rallies in contested states that didn’t have any violence.
It’s a clever and devious Alinskyite tactic to infiltrate a peaceful movement with violent extremists, but it only works when people are uninformed.
Social media wants to control what you think. If you get news from any of the mainstream sources they already do. Now they have to control everyone else.
That about a majority of Americans think an election was stolen is a grave threat to their regime. I don’t think Q is real, but he did an interesting drop about the media: that is worth studying.
I remember the weeks of stories about how Trump was going to end the Internet by repealing Net Neutrality. How’d that turn out? We went through 4+ years of outrage campaigns. Trump is a flawed person who made many mistakes, but the mainstream media told countless lies about him.
You probably know about the lack of privacy on the big tech platforms, but you may not know about the shadowbanning, the disappearing of followers and views for political reasons, and the various kinds of software harassment to prevent people from sharing disputed information. For example, putting this quantitative analysis of 2020 election vote anomalies in a tweet is not allowed to be shared, liked, replied to by others.
I’d like to know what mathematician in the Twitter censorship department has disproven this, and where their explanation is. Unfortunately, they are never forced to justify themselves. Both political parties are angry at Big Tech. The Republicans would like less censorship, the Democrats more. Given who is in power now, you can predict what is going to happen.
Biden is owned and controlled by China. The media lied to you about his corruption, mental state, and his history of selling out our country and its values. The media even gave him questions in advance. They all know this, but they don’t bother to tell us that.
If you agree with Amazon on some politically-correct topic, you are likely doing the wrong thing. We need alternatives to the techno-fascism and social media mind-control.
I read a few “bad” comments on Parler. Did you know it’s legal to hang traitors or shoot them, after their trial? Making a hyperbolic joke about hanging someone for treason isn’t a threat to violence. Here’s a pic of the Lincoln conspirators: done legally!

Just to be clear, I’m not defending Trump, or violence. I’m just trying to put this in some context. Big Tech today is already far worse than Orwell’s worst nightmare. They don’t burn books, but they can easily ban accounts, and posts, and control minds in so many invisible ways. Once they hide the truth, we can be forced to believe anything.
I’ve been running Linode since 2005, and you have been fast, easy to use, and as reliable as electricity. I like your system very much, especially your philosophy and support for free software. I’ve written about how Amazon is a parasite of the free software community, whereas you are much better.
I wrote a book and made a movie about free software, ideas that you are also obviously passionate about. I’m writing to you in defense of the free expression of ideas, and Democracy itself.
Maybe you can’t support Parler for political reasons, but supporting customers of all political philosophies is a good business model. You can never be as Woke or as powerful as Amazon, so you should prefer to defend freedom!