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Open Letter to Linode about Hosting Parler

This originally used to be hosted on Medium, but they took it down. I think it proves the point of the post!

I sent them an email explaining that I would like to tweak it to make it conform to their rules, and whether they have any suggestions. I would love for someone to go through this and find specific problems. I’d be happy to improve any aspect, given precise feedback. It’s much easier to burn a book than explain why.

After about 48 hours, they sent me another email saying:

After careful review of the details of the appeal, and the relevant account or post history, Medium’s Trust & Safety team has concluded that it remains in violation of site policies and will not be restored. The decision at this time is final.

Dear Linode,

I think it’s a mistake you wouldn’t host Parler. Given you believe so much in free software, you should also support free expression of ideas. If an election was stolen, and the media told you that “crazy idea” was just a debunked conspiracy theory, did it really happen? We need free speech to protect Democracy! They took away Tour De France medals years later after fraud is proven. Foreign interference and a stolen election can be overturned if proven.

If you create an account on Parler, and follow some of popular names like General Flynn or Sidney Powell, you will find it is nothing like what we’ve been told. Parler is predominantly a bunch of patriotic people who are tired of the censorship on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. To be clear, Parler does moderate their content. Calls to violence, child porn, etc. are not allowed and they remove it, but they can’t catch it all.

Compared to Parler, the depths of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 4Chan, etc. are a cesspool! Antifa openly organizes criminal activity on those platforms, doing billions of dollars in damage in the last year. The calls for shame and violence towards Republicans is endless on Big Tech, and the mainstream media. It takes two seconds to find a severed head of Trump on Twitter.

Antifa and BLM Protests were encouraged or normalized by the media, even as they dragged on for months. No Democrat was pressured to denounce the violence, and in fact many explicitly encouraged it:

The Capitol was invaded during the Kavanaugh hearings for days, but that also didn’t make the news, or was spun as positive event for Democracy. Meanwhile, I wonder how much of the dark web runs on AWS. AWS happily runs Twitter’s business, and I presume you would love that as well. Things far worse than Parler run on AWS! If you notice the shame is extremely selective towards one political party, that is a scary warning.

None of the news media covered the citizens who saw election crimes, so many people have no idea of the breadth and scope of the fraud. The MI state hearings were mind-blowing. In Detroit, the city told employees to ignore matching signature and identification requirements, back-date ballots and absentee applications, etc. It wasn’t just boxes of stuffed ballots, it was the government itself systemically breaking the law.

There’s a ton of unrebutted analysis that the election was stolen from Republicans, and there’s a mountain of evidence. The fact that they stopped counting before midnight in several key swing Democrat cities alone is proof they were cheating. They had hired staff for 24/7 work. Why they all did it remains unanswered, months later. When you see 150K ballots, 93% for Biden showing up in the middle of the night in the time-series data, after they had officially stopped counting, it starts to make sense.

If you watch the Georgia arena video, you can see how they were illegally counting ballots with no observers present. Sometimes, they ran the ballots through the machine multiple times. That one video alone is enough to overturn Georgia.

Furthermore, states illegally deleted the ballot images and other metadata. If they didn’t commit any crimes, why are they covering up information they are supposed to keep around for 2 years after all federal elections?

Unfortunately, the courts didn’t take it up. I have heard that many judges and their families have been threatened. Next, the State Legislatures didn’t fix it in time. Then, Pence didn’t send it back to the states — even though 5 had written letters asking for more time!

If the media didn’t cover the fraud, and the courts just dismissed the cases, and the state legislatures and Congress didn’t repair it, did it really happen?

Of course, the Dominion voting machines, which apparently sent votes out of the country is another aspect of election fraud.

Trump’s speech at the protest was not an incitement to violence. I recommend watching it since it will probably be his last, and he discusses the election fraud, and how he can prove he won states like Georgia many different ways.

Importantly, the Washington DC protest was infiltrated with busloads of Antifa / BLM, apparently given police escort. Antifa provokes violence and chaos, and then the media blame patriots and Trump. There were many “Stop The Steal” rallies in contested states that didn’t have any violence.

It’s a clever and devious Alinskyite tactic to infiltrate a peaceful movement with violent extremists, but it only works when people are uninformed.

Social media wants to control what you think. If you get news from any of the mainstream sources they already do. Now they have to control everyone else.

That about a majority of Americans think an election was stolen is a grave threat to their regime. I don’t think Q is real, but he did an interesting drop about the media: https://qanon.pub/?q=4am#2682 that is worth studying.

I remember the weeks of stories about how Trump was going to end the Internet by repealing Net Neutrality. How’d that turn out? We went through 4+ years of outrage campaigns. Trump is a flawed person who made many mistakes, but the mainstream media told countless lies about him.

You probably know about the lack of privacy on the big tech platforms, but you may not know about the shadowbanning, the disappearing of followers and views for political reasons, and the various kinds of software harassment to prevent people from sharing disputed information. For example, putting this quantitative analysis of 2020 election vote anomalies in a tweet is not allowed to be shared, liked, replied to by others.

I’d like to know what mathematician in the Twitter censorship department has disproven this, and where their explanation is. Unfortunately, they are never forced to justify themselves. Both political parties are angry at Big Tech. The Republicans would like less censorship, the Democrats more. Given who is in power now, you can predict what is going to happen.

Biden is owned and controlled by China. The media lied to you about his corruption, mental state, and his history of selling out our country and its values. The media even gave him questions in advance. They all know this, but they don’t bother to tell us that.

If you agree with Amazon on some politically-correct topic, you are likely doing the wrong thing. We need alternatives to the techno-fascism and social media mind-control.

I read a few “bad” comments on Parler. Did you know it’s legal to hang traitors or shoot them, after their trial? Making a hyperbolic joke about hanging someone for treason isn’t a threat to violence. Here’s a pic of the Lincoln conspirators: done legally!

Just to be clear, I’m not defending Trump, or violence. I’m just trying to put this in some context. Big Tech today is already far worse than Orwell’s worst nightmare. They don’t burn books, but they can easily ban accounts, and posts, and control minds in so many invisible ways. Once they hide the truth, we can be forced to believe anything.

I’ve been running Linode since 2005, and you have been fast, easy to use, and as reliable as electricity. I like your system very much, especially your philosophy and support for free software. I’ve written about how Amazon is a parasite of the free software community, whereas you are much better.

I wrote a book and made a movie about free software, ideas that you are also obviously passionate about. I’m writing to you in defense of the free expression of ideas, and Democracy itself.

Maybe you can’t support Parler for political reasons, but supporting customers of all political philosophies is a good business model. You can never be as Woke or as powerful as Amazon, so you should prefer to defend freedom!

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