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  1. Promoting free market provided health system against government provided health system is a bad idea, especially in a book that is about free software. Free software is about making sure everybody gets their basic right to access and share information so it is inclusive. Providing a health system is about making sure everybody gets their basic right for health(http://cesr.org/downloads/Right%20to%20Health%20in%20USA%202004.pdf). Free market is about making profit, it has nothing to do with human rights, it works more like evolution, the stronger stays alive. Free market provided health systems without governmental control would be a disaster because pour people would not be able to get(buy) their right for health, it is exclusive. Free software is inclusive therefore it is fundamentally the opposite of what free market is. On a free market without control the free software would never get a chance to stay alive so please do not say they are similar. Probably governmental health system complemented with private insurance companies is the best solution for the nhs issues, it works very well in many countries. (excuse me for my bad english)

  2. Government can’t provide the same quality of healthcare for all, it can only vainly promise to do that. Even in countries with national health systems, there are different tiers of service. And while it might make sense to help the people through programs like Medicaid and Medicare, which already exists in the US, it doesn’t mean that the government should take over the healthcare field for all which is what is being proposed by Obama. That will stifle the innovative free market which is coming up with new technologies that is saving lives. If it weren’t for the free market, the government wouldn’t have any healthcare technology to provide citizens!

    The free market is a human rights issue: it is about the right to private property, to make what one wishes and to keep what one earns. There is a correlation between free software and the free market, as both are powered by innovation created by millions of disconnected individuals.

    The poorest societies are the least free. Many “poor” in this country can afford cellphones!

    Read Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom or Free to Choose. I can tell you are not familiar with his writings yet.

    Here is an interesting article on healthcare: http://www.anncoulter.com/cgi-local/article.cgi?article=322

  3. There are also organized groups of patients with certain illnesses that may be able to provide information about a condition, alternative treatments, and experiences with local doctors and hospitals. ,

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